Wedding traditions of Slavs Russian traditions

Marriage in Russia is legally recognized when couples sign papers at the registration office, whose name is Zapis Aktov Grazhdanskogo Sostoyaniya. In this occasion, they can decide to have a short civil ceremony or a longer traditional orthodox ceremony . Some couples decide to sign papers the day before wedding in order to have more time to dedicate to the funny traditions.

Today, that village, Gretna Green, is still popular for couples who want to elope. On their Wedding Day, the bride and groom attach a padlock, engraved with their names and wedding date, to a bridge or “the Padlock Tree” a… … Because hundreds of years ago, women were considered chattel and the bride’s family used to have to pay off the groom’s family in the form of a dowry to take their daughters off their hands. Tradition dictates that the groom’s family pays for the full cost of the rehearsal dinner, even though the bride’s family and friends attend the event as well.

  • Amongst the Southern Slavs, marriage by capture was still in existence no longer ago than the beginning of the present century.
  • The most important part of international dating is learning more about your partner and their culture.
  • According to the last-named author, such meetings were regularly held on the borders of the State of Novgorod on the banks of rivers, resembling, in that particular, the annual festivals mentioned by Nestor.
  • The matchmaking was the point of no return, the point at which the bride and groom entered the ritual space of the preparation for the wedding.

When a child is born, the young family receives support in the amount of 343,387 rubles (approximately $11,000 in 2010). These families are called многодетные and receive discounts on electricity, gas, water, education and public transport. Traditionally, the wedding rings were made of gold for the groom and silver for the bride. The traditional ceremony itself lasts about 40 minutes and adheres strictly to the church protocol.

This statement is directly confirmed by that of another medieval author, the unknown biographer of St. Adalbert. This writer ascribes the animosity of the Bohemian people towards the saint to the fact of his strong opposition to the shameful promiscuity which in his time prevailed in Bohemia. It is confirmed, also, by the monk of the Russian Abbey of Eleasar, known by the name of Pamphil, who lived in the sixteenth century.

Wales: Lovespoons

Not all brides who married organize the wedding ceremony with a long time. There are many considerations that must be carefully considered before doing so. It will also impact on the financial ability of the two sides the bride’s family. Sometimes, in addition to religious preparation and the beliefs of each bride and groom, wedding preparations are also carried out in accordance with the customs and culture that exist in a country. Each country certainly has differences in preparing for a marriage.

Starting one month in advance, the bride starts to cry for one hour every day. Ten days into the waterworks, her mother joins the picture, and 10 days after that, her grandma does the same. By the end of the month, every female in the family is crying alongside the bride. The tradition is believed to be an expression of joy, as the women weep in different tones, reminiscent of a song. After tying the knot, happy brides and grooms in the Philippines release a pair of white doves—one male, one female—into the air. The birds are said to represent a harmonious life together for the newly married couple.

For example, if the groom takes out the frying pan, he will be responsible for preparing meals while if the bride selects the float, she will have the honorable task of going fishing. Preparation for a Russian wedding includes renting or buying a wedding dress and groom’s suit, renting a car, booking a restaurant or cafe, hiring a photographer, cameraman, musicians, and a toastmaster (тамада [ta-ma-DA]). A couple who wants to get married in Church will have to arrange a meeting with the priest in advance to discuss some details. Single Russian women for marriage have a mysterious beauty of their own.

The Russians have been practicing the Orthodox religion, which has long been the primary source of rules and regulations in their culture. It led to the fact that for a long time, a loving couple had no right to live together until their marriage was concluded in church and officially registered by the state. The absence of sex before marriage in Russian culture was also a fundamental law for young couples. The public disgraced those who violated the law, and not infrequently; even the family could turn away from the girl. Before carrying out marriage, in the tradition of Muslim marriage, the marriage must be registered first.

As they dance, guests throw money at them which is then collected and presented to the newlyweds. In China, a prospective husband will shoot his bride with a bow and (head-less) arrow several times, then collects the arrows and breaks them during the ceremony, to ensure their love lasts forever. The tradition that the bride’s family members pay is derived from the notion of a dowry. In the past, when women weren’t allowed to live on their own, work outside the home, or own property, an unmarried daughter was a considerable burden, especially on families living at or near the subsistence level.

Wedding receptions were usually held at home, and couples were given coupons to obtain special delicacies for their reception. Alternatively, receptions could be held in state-owned restaurants which served varying cuisines from the republics of the USSR or the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Often a friend was the master of ceremonies at the reception, and there was plenty of dancing, singing, and food.

Couples stick to the 3 days rule

So if you are looking for Russian brides for marriage, you should expect more than just pretty faces; they have the brain to complement their beauty. Education and self-development are mantras of typical Russian girls, making them more irresistible.

Difference between Russian and American Marriage Culture

Two crossed golden rings are a symbol of wedding and marriage in the Russian culture. After the registration of their marriage at the registry office, they couple go on a tour around the city, where a photographer takes pictures of the newlyweds and their guests.


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